VEVOR 15FT 25FT 30FT 36FT 50FT 50Amp RV Power Supply Cable Motorhome Cord Terminal Gender Adapter Electric Socket Extension Cord


SKU: AE_3256802798232139_176adc0025510bd6 Categories: , ,



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Product Description
15ft,Heavy Duty,with Handle

Product Description:


Features & Details:

  • 【15/25/30/36/50 FEET LONG CABLE】- Provide sufficient length needed to reach distant power outlets and sources. Constructed with pure copper wiring coated with a heavy duty flame retardant, heat resistant PVC sheath.
  • 【HIGH CONDUCTIVITY】- Bendable extension cord adapter allows easy conversion from a standard 50 Amp male to 50 Amp female. It is available in STW 6AWG/3C+8AWG/1C wire sizes for higher conductivity.
  • 【ERGONOMICAL PLUG】- Professional handle eliminates frustration for easy gripping, plugging, and unplugging. Comes equipped with an adjustable cord organizer and carrying strap handle that makes toting and storing simple after each use.
  • 【WEATHERPROOF DESIGN】- PVC sheath and threaded locking ring feature creates a weatherproof connection ensuring further protection during outdoor use.
  • 【WIDE APPLICATION】- Excellent use at campsites, electric car charging stations and other outdoor use, also for most RVs, campers, trailers, and vehicles.

Key Features

  • Suitable Length

    15/25/30/36/50ft long to provide sufficient length needed to reach distant power outlets and sources. Meeting the needs of most families.

  • Reliable Power Supply

    Adopts pure copper. It is available in STW 6AWG/3C+8AWG/1C wire sizes for higher conductivity. Faster and safer than other products on the market.

  • Flame-retardant Coating

    Coated with a heavy-duty flame-retardant coating, and the outer wrapped heat-resistant PVC protective cover against high temperature and waterproof.

  • Convenient Plug

    Professional handle eliminates frustration by assisting users in safely and conveniently gripping, plugging, and unplugging the male and female ends without straining or damaging the cord.

  • Adjustable Cord Organizer

    Flexible extension cable for smaller space, adjustable cord organizer and carrying strap handle makes storage easier.

  • Wide Application

    Excellent use at campsites, electric car charging stations and other outdoor use, also for most RVs, campers, trailers, and vehicles.

15ft,Heavy Duty,with Handle
Heavy Duty 15 ft 50 Amp RV Extension Cord

This listing is to introduce you a professional 50A 125/250V RV extension cord. It is flexible and durable, can be used indoor or outdoor. Better 6AWG+8AWG(wire gauge), enough 15ft length and equipped with N14-50P plug. UL test passed, good quality product.

  • 15FT Long Cable
  • High Conductivity
  • Ergonomical Plug
  • Weatherproof Design


Package Content


  • Cable Length: 15 FT/4.6m
  • Plug Type: N14-50
  • Wire Gauge: STW 6AWG/3C+8AWG/1C
  • Rated Voltage: 125-250V
  • Rated Current: 50A
  • Operating Temperature: -40℃ to 90℃
  • Package size: 13.4 x 13.4 x 5.5 inch (34 x 34 x 14 cm)
  • Gross weight: 12.1 lbs (5.5 kg)

Package Content

  • 1 x RV Extension Cord
  • 1 x Easy Grip Handle

25ft,Heavy Duty,with Handle

Heavy Duty 25 ft 50 Amp RV Extension Cord

This listing is to introduce you a professional 50A 125/250V RV extension cord. It is flexible and durable, can be used indoor or outdoor. Better 6AWG+8AWG(wire gauge), enough 25ft length and equipped with N14-50P plug. UL test passed, good quality product.

  • 25FT Long Cable
  • High Conductivity
  • Ergonomical Plug
  • Weatherproof Design


Package Content


  • Cable Length: 25 FT/7.62m
  • Plug Type: N14-50
  • Wire Gauge: STW 6AWG / 3C + 8AWG / 1C
  • Rated Voltage: 125-250V
  • Rated Current: 50 Amp
  • Operating Temperature: -40℃ to 90℃
  • Package size: 15.7 x 15.7 x 5.1 inch (40 x 40 x 13 cm)
  • Gross weight: 19.0 lbs (8.6 kg)

Package Content

  • 1 x RV Extension Cord
  • 1 x Easy Grip Handle

30ft,Heavy Duty,with Handle
Heavy Duty 30 ft 50 Amp RV Extension Cord

This listing is to introduce you a professional 50A 125/250V RV extension cord. It is flexible and durable, can be used indoor or outdoor. Better 6AWG+8AWG(wire gauge), enough 30ft length and equipped with N14-50P plug. UL test passed, good quality product.

  • 30FT Long Cable
  • High Conductivity
  • Ergonomical Plug
  • Weatherproof Design


Package Content


  • Cable Length: 30FT/9.14m
  • Plug Type: N14-50
  • Wire Gauge: STW 6AWG/3C+8AWG/1C
  • Rated Voltage: 125-250V
  • Rated Current: 50A
  • Operating Temperature: -40℃ to 90℃
  • Package size: 15.0 x 15.0 x 6.3 inch (38 x 38 x 16 cm)
  • Gross weight: 22.5 lbs (10.2 kg)

Package Content

  • 1 x RV Extension Cord
  • 1 x Easy Grip Handle

15ft,Heavy Duty,with Handle
Heavy Duty 36 ft 50 Amp RV Extension Cord

This listing is to introduce you a professional 50A 125/250V RV extension cord. It is flexible and durable, can be used indoor or outdoor. Better 6AWG+8AWG(wire gauge), enough 15ft length and equipped with N14-50P plug. UL test passed, good quality product.

  • 36FT Long Cable
  • High Conductivity
  • Ergonomical Plug
  • Weatherproof Design


Package Content


  • Cable Length: 36 FT/10.97m
  • Plug Type: N14-50
  • Wire Gauge: STW 6AWG / 3C + 8AWG / 1C
  • Rated Voltage: 125-250V
  • Rated Current: 50 Amp
  • Operating Temperature: -40℃ to 90℃
  • Package size: 15.0 x 15.0 x 6.7 inch (38 x 38 x 17 cm)
  • Gross weight: 26.5 lbs (12.0 kg)

Package Content

  • 1 x RV Extension Cord
  • 1 x Easy Grip Handle

50ft,Heavy Duty,with Handle
Heavy Duty 50 ft 50 Amp RV Extension Cord

This listing is to introduce you a professional 50A 125/250V RV extension cord. It is flexible and durable, can be used indoor or outdoor. Better 6AWG+8AWG(wire gauge), enough 15ft/15.24m length and equipped with N14-50P plug. UL test passed, good quality product.

  • 50FT Long Cable
  • High Conductivity
  • Ergonomical Plug
  • Weatherproof Design


Package Content


  • Cable Length: 50FT/15.24m
  • Plug Type: N14-50
  • Wire Gauge: STW 6AWG / 3C + 8AWG / 1C
  • Rated Voltage: 125-250V
  • Rated Current: 50 Amp
  • Operating Temperature: -40℃ to 90℃
  • Package size: 16.1 x 16.1 x 6.7 inch (41 x 41 x 17 cm)
  • Gross weight: 35.4 lbs (16.1 kg)

Package Content

  • 1 x RV Extension Cord
  • 1 x Easy Grip Handle

Additional information

Ships From

United States


25FT, 30FT, 36FT, 50FT


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